Survey Says Floridians Want a Higher Minimum Wage

  A recent survey of Floridians by Credit Loan indicates that Floridians believe the ideal minimum wage would be $11.99. That’s $3.74 higher than the current Florida 2018 minimum wage of $8.25.  More than 2,600 Americans were surveyed and the finding were weighted against 2016 U.S. Census data. Florida’s minimum wage increased $0.15 in 2018 compared to the $8.10 minimum wage for 2017.  Florida’s minimum wage is recalculated yearly based on the Consumer Price Index. The federal minimum wage currently…

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Manicure Industry Wage Theft

Many nail salons commit wage theft violations by not paying manicurist at least the minimum wage for hours worked, and by making illegal deductions from customer tips or wages.  (“The Price of Nails” New York Times, 5/7/15).   Manicure industry wage theft is common.  For example, nail salons often do not pay newly hired manicurists the required minimum wages for work.  While nail salon workers are usually considered “tipped employees” and paid a reduced minimum wage, salon owners often fail to make…

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Florida’s Minimum Wage Increases to $7.79 in January 2013

The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity has announced that the minimum wage in Florida will increase to $7.79 per hour as of January 1, 2013. Florida’s minimum wage is currently higher than the federal minimum wage. The federal minimum wage requires covered employers to pay their employees only $7.25 per hour, which is $0.54 less than the Florida minimum wage as of 2013. Under Florida’s higher minimum wage in 2013, employees who earn tips will be entitled to a direct…

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New Federal Minimum Wage Increase

On July 24, 2009, the federal minimum wage increased to $7.25. This increase has taken place incrementally over a two year period. State and local governments can require higher wages be paid to employees within their boundaries. Since Florida’s minimum wage was less than $7.25 per hour, the new hirer federal minimum wage will have the effect of increasing the Florida minimum to $7.25 per hour until the next annual increase in the Florida minimum wage when it adjusted for…

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