Florida Voters Approve a $15 Florida Minimum Wage

Florida voters approved an amendment to the Florida Constitution that will gradually increase the Florida minimum wage over the next six years. At the time of passage, the Florida minimum wage was $8.56. Florida’s minimum wage will increase to $10 in September 2021, and then will increase $1 per year until it reaches $15 in 2026. After the minimum wage reaches $15 per hour, it will be adjusted annually for inflation. Florida joins eight other states where the minimum wage will be $15 per hour in the future: California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York. The Florida Policy Institute reviewed the impact of increasing the minimum wage, and found that it would increase the wages of 2.5 million workers in Florida, most of whom are women and people of color, and that it would also decrease the wage gap between men and women.According to a study by the Congressional Budget Office, incrementally raising the minimum wage to $15 across the country would lift more than 17 million people out of poverty.